Vultr 近期被邀请注册新用户可获得 50$ 有效期一个月

2019-01-25 2148点热度 0人点赞

去年的夏季活动包括 2016 年的都只是新用户注册获得 20$,现在出现了 50$活动


Tell A Friend about Vultr and Earn up to $25 for referring clients!

$25 earned for every new unique paid user you refer.
The users you refer receive $50 to test out our platform*.
Referred users must be active for 30+ days and use at least $25 in payments to be counted as verified sales.
Payouts are finalized and issued on the business day following the 1st and 15th of each month.
Your referral link below uniquely identifies your account. Use this code when linking to and start earning today!


1 、新用户使用邀请链接进行注册
2 、新用户充值 10 美元激活帐户
(新用户可获得 50 美元的活动信用,优先使用,一个月有效期)
(此时新用户获得 60 美元的信用)
3 、新用户支出达到 25 美元(如果算活动送的 50 美元就需要 75 美元)
4 、老用户等待 30 天后
5 、老用户可以获得 25 美元的福利

最后放上本站的 Vultr 链接


Have a good time